5 Effective Antivirus Softwares

This is the age of science and technology. Human has progressed so much that there is not a single problem for which human beings have no solution. Here i am discussing about the antivirus Programs.  Antivirus provides protection to your computers from virus,  worms, spyware,  keylogger and rootkit infections which causes slow speed of computers and other software problems. Antivirus detects and prevents malicious material. Here i am sharing some of the best five antivirus programs that you can download on your computer:

1) AVAST Antivirus

Avast is one of the best antivirus of the present age. From last few years avast has been improving continuously and now it ranks as the best antivirus.  This is simple to install and easy to use. Avast has many features with all time performance such as web,  IM, network shields and boot-time scanning. You can download it easily for free.


2) Panda Cloud Antivirus

Small in size, simple,easy to use and lightweight tool named Panda Cloud is the second best antivirus. Panda Cloud Antivirus has main characteristics such as behavioural blocker and web protection, which enhance the security of your system.

Panda Cloud Antivirus

3) Avira Antivirus

Another high quality security performance Avira antivirus is the third best antivirus in my list.  The best thing  in this tool is that it constantly monitor your system and alarm you from virus and other malicious material. It has also some defects. It does not contain e-mail scanning and web. It has  more impact on your Pc performance as compared to other antivirus.

Avira Antivirus


4) Zone alarm Antivirus

Zone alarm antivirus is updated at daily basis and takes on every latest online threat.  There isare not many functions as there are in other antiviruses. This is the only defect in it otherwise it’s working is as good as other antiviruses have.

Zone alarm Antivirus


5) Bit defender Antivirus

A little difficult but not much complex and small in size Bit Defender antivirus is at fifth place of my list. It also contain many characteristics such as web and e-mail scanning. however its not very popular.

Bit defender Antivirus


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