Best iPhone Apps for Students

Today’s students are privileged to born in the technological age. Technology has brought so many comforts for the students while raising their productivity levels. Companies are making attempts to develop latest and productive apps for the students. This means that now students can achieve greater performance levels with minimum efforts, however, students have to use the technology in the right way. Following is the list of best iPhone apps that will raise the productivity levels of the students if used in the right way.

1. Evernote:

Evernote is free iPhone app also available for the general PC users as a Google chrome extension. It is actually a cloud-based service that offers you the ability to save notes, photos and audio lectures in an organized way. Evernote allow 60 MB data space per month that is quite a lot for a student. Evernote on App Store and on Play Store.

2. iTunes U:

iTunes U is a very useful app for the students offering service like a digital library. You can get numerous documents, lectures, and presentation on wide range of topics. iTunes U comes with built-in sync ability through iCloud account. iTunes U on App Store.

3. Readability:

Through Readability app you can have better reading experience on your iPhone. With this app, you will not see mingling web page accompanying ads, promotions, and other unrelated stuff. Readability app will automatically show you simple reading view. Readability on App Store.

4. MoniteX Sleep:

We know that sleep is very important for the students because they can only perform well if they are taking the required sleep. MoniteX app will enable you better monitor your sleeping patterns. All you need is to keep your iPhone under your pillow while you sleep. It will show you statistics that how much sleep you are taking, is it enough for you or not.

5. WolframAlpha:

The most amazing and useful app that helps you to find the facts instead of essays or thesis. It is so often that students require knowing simple facts (Like the total population of US or percentage of world’s population surfing form heart disease). This app will save your time by giving you accurate results quickly that are not possible using Google or other search engines. WolframAlpha on App Store.

6. Mint:

Managing the personal finance is a major issue for the students. Now with Mint app you can create your monthly or weekly budgets. These budgets will make sure that you control your extra spending and channel all spending in the right way. Mint on App Store.

7. StudyBlue:

With Studyblue app you can make flash cards using audio, photos or files. The great use of this app is to find the material that your other class mates already have uploaded. This would safe great amount of your time and effort.

8. Calcbot:

With Calcbot you can don’t need to carry bulky calculators in the classroom. Calcbot app is a calculator which makes possible advanced commands in addition to the standard commands. Likewise, expression history is very valuable feature of calcbot that enables you to quickly find and correct the erroneous value during calculations.

1 thought on “Best iPhone Apps for Students”

  1. A suggestion , Please do provide a link to above mentioned apps so the readers can actually go to the source page to see those apps , just mentioning the name of such a thing seems incomplete to me . other wise great read .


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