Suggestions for Improving Education System in Pakistan
It is clear in this Era of Technology and progress that Education plays a vital role in the progress and development of a country and nation. It wouldn’t be wrong if …
It is clear in this Era of Technology and progress that Education plays a vital role in the progress and development of a country and nation. It wouldn’t be wrong if …
14 August 1947 was the day when Pakistan Become an Independent State on The Map of world. It was created after too long Struggle and hard work of Muslims and Quaid-e- …
14th August is Independence day of Pakistan as Pakistan got Freedom on 14th August 1947 from British Rule. Pakistan and India were divided into two countries. Millions of Muslims sacrificed their …
Tired of negative news and views about Pakistan all the time? Terrorism, Crimes, Protests everywhere we see negative propaganda about our great country Pakistan. Remember our Pakistan also have many positives …