Top 5 WordPress mistake You should avoid

WordPress is a free open source blogging platform which everyone can use by getting a free WordPress sub-domain or by buying his/her domain and hosting. Some newbie bloggers choose Blogspot because they are much easy to handle as compare to any WordPress blog.

But if you are on WordPress and serious about your blogging. You should have a keen eye on your blog. There are many small errors that you can get in the beginning that will annoy your visitors and can cause decrease in your website traffic.

Therefore,I am mentioning below Top 5 mistakes that new users on WordPress can get while doing any changes to their blog.

1)Slow Website Loading Time:


One of the major factor that will annoy your visitors is your website loading time. If you are using bulk of plugins and widgets then you will face this error or if your web host provides low quality hosting services. If you are facing such problem,it’s better to remove all unnecessary plugins and get a trusted web hosting for your blog. You can check your website loading time by clicking here.

2)White Screen of Death:


This happens with me many times. I am pretty sure that almost 70% WordPress users have faced this error. In this error, php resources are broke down and browser shows a white screen without any error. Major reasons for occurrence of this error can are:

[icon_x]Your Theme is Broken

[icon_x]Use of Incompatible Plugins

[icon_x]Leaving an extra space in wp-config.php

To avoid this error,use premium themes. If you don’t want to buy a premium theme you can get a free WordPress theme from the Internet. Remember not to download a nulled theme as it will be harmful for your blog.

3)Database Connection Errors:


Most of you have seen this error at least once in your blogging career. Database connection can occur due to corrupt database or your blog is unable to create a database connection. You can get rid of such error by checking and fixing the issues in your MySQL Databases.

4)Your Site is De-Indexed:


So this is a minor mistake that anyone can do but the result of this minor mistake will be big one. You have seen in WordPress that you are provided with an option to keep your blog “Private”.

People use this option because they don’t want to show their private information with search engines. But if you are seeking for web traffic and you haven’t gained it then you might check out if your blog setting is set to Private or not.

5)Wrong Sidebar Widget Placements:


 Many bloggers recommend to keep your blog simple and easily reachable. By adding some beautiful sidebar widgets you can enhance the beauty of your blog’s template. But if your widgets adjustment is not correct,it will annoy many of your visitors. If you want to add sidebar widgets in your WordPress blog then add only necessary widgets and make their adjustment reader friendly.

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