We have heard a lot about list building and how important it is, but still many don’t start creating one. Why? Simple, because they don’t know the benefits in detail that they can get by having an email list. List building is not only beneficial for your any single blog, but for your whole blogging activity. We are about to explore some of the most amazing benefits that come along list building.
1. List is Money:
There is no doubt about this fact that an email list consisting of loyal readers is money. The bigger the list is the more money is expected to come in. The reason that list is said to equalize money is because you can sell anything that fits your niche in blink of an eye if you know how to play the game and nature of your readers. Yeah, it depends a little bit on you too, but again you cannot deny the importance of an email list.
2. Long Term Traffic:
You can get traffic from paid adverts, backlinks, social media, content promotion sites and many other places like that. But that traffic will stop coming as you start to become less and less active. There is nothing like that in case of list building. It doesn’t matter if you send 2 emails in a week or 1 in a month, your readers are still going to love it if it is worth reading and traffic will keep flowing for a long time.
3. Instant Views:
You don’t have to wait to be indexed properly in Google, you don’t have to wait to be approved to appear by some lazy forum admin and nothing else like that. You send the mail and you get the traffic right then right there. That’s how fast it is.
4. Immediate Response:
People will respond to your blog posts, but response that you get by list subscriber cannot be compared with anything else. It is not only always quick, but true and honest too. Many times your subscribers can give you stunning ideas that you would have never found anywhere.
5. Feels Personal:
Blogging is supposed to be a place where writer and reader interact and discuss a particular topic. The more readers and blogger is attached emotionally or at least they are close then, words become a lot more effective and worthy. And, nothing but email list makes that personal connection. This is because you care so much about your readers that you spend time on creating and sending mail to them and they also care which forced them to read the whole mail.
6. Builds Relationship:
Blog posts are conversation of blogger with the whole world while list emails are personal and private. They are for private and personal for special people. This puts emotions into the connection between readers and blogger.
I hope that your thinking would have changed a little bit if not a lot after reading this piece. I look forward to not only hear from you, but read your experience and how you feel about list building.
Hello, I’m Raja Tahir Qaiser. Young Passionate Blogger and Online Marketer, working with a famous Urdu Shayari Website named as (Ranjish.com). Website contains a lot of Urdu Poetry.