Blogging! A word, when anybody hears it suddenly an idea of Earning Money pops up in his mind. People consider blogging as the easiest way to earn money online. I know few persons who left their offline job and started working online i-e Blogging. But they gradually came to know that blogging sounds easy but it is not as easy as they are considering it. It is most difficult job in the world.
Some people succeed in blogging, they’re aware of its techniques and tricks. If you are really passionate and are full of fighting spirit they’ll surely succeed in earning a big amount of money.
To start the venture of blogging, you’ll need to buy some very important basic components like Web Hosting, Domain, Premium Themes etc. Some people are not aware of the right components of blogging and they go for free stuff. Everyone knows free stuff is not as handier as compared to the premium one. They don’t know what is the right and effective way of buying stuff online for their blog. Some people go for cheaper stuff which results in a big loss. Some people don’t know the right site to buy hosting online.
As we all know that the basic part of setting up a blog is to buy Web Hosting. Many persons go for cheaper hosting. Always remember never go for cheaper hosting, always buy from well-known sites and from those sites which are well known to every blogger. Every one want to save his money and don’t want to have any kind of loss. That’s why today I’m presenting a list of Top 5 Best Web Hosting Sites from where you can buy most affordable and reliable web hosting. FOLLOWING LINKS ARE NOT OUR AFFILIATE LINK. FEEL FREE TO OPEN LINKS.
Top 5 Best Web Hosting Sites
1. HostGator
HostGator is one of the best web hosting provider in the world. Many people are aware if it. It is loved by every blogger just because of its features. Some features are given bellow.
- Cpanel/WHM
- Fantastico
- Curl
- Cron
- Pay Monthly
- Unlimited Space/Transfer
- Price: $4.95/mo
2. Just Host
Just Host is another most loved web hosting providers. Their rates is incredibly low as compared to other sites. Some features are given bellow
- Free Domain for Life
- Site Builder
- Any Time Money Back
- Unlimited Space/Transfer
- $4.45/mo
3. Host Monster
Another best web hosting provider their support is so attentive. I’ve never faced any problem with them, I love their features
- Instant Setup
- Real 24/7 Live Support
- Unlimited Space/Transfer
- $4.95/mo
4. Blue Host
Their rates are also impressive. It’s the oldest site of web hosting providers. My first web hosting was from Blue Host. Here are some features
- In business since 1996
- SSH support
- Secure Shell
- Unlimited Space/Transfer
- $6.95/mo
5. iPage
Last but not least. iPage is also widely known web hosting providers in the globe. My first WordPress site was built on iPage. Here are some features
- Easy and Green hosting
- Drag and drop site builder
- Unlimited Space/transfer
- $4.50/mo